Monday, July 26, 2010

Dermatoglyphic (Fingerprint)

Fingerprints, ie strokes protruding pattern typical of human fingertips, are unique for every individual. Fingers and toes, and palms of hands and feet, filled with regular strokes that form a pattern. The term 'dermatoglyphic' used for configuration of these strokes. If you pay close attention to your hands, will you see a thin strokes, which is different from the folds of skin. On the fingertips, there are three basic patterns, namely curved lines (arch), the circular (loop), and line play (whorl). The lines of a circle divided into two groups, namely the ulnar and radial, depending on the direction of ulnar or radial side of the hand. The intersection of strokes forming a triangle, called triradius, and triradius is not just there at your fingertips, but also at each base of the finger, usually at the proximal palm.
The pattern of strokes fingerprints are not only useful for identification, but also can be useful to find specific abnormalities dermatoglifik often associated with many chromosomal abnormalities.


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