Monday, June 21, 2010

Beware Sugar Consumption

With the increase in diseases associated with increased use of sugar, the general public should be given education about the good and bad use of sugar and sweets into perspective.
Because the sugar takes the place of food materials are important in the food, the danger of vitamin deficiency will arise. The more sugar you eat the more diminished the possibility that there is on you to get essential food factors, such as protein, calcium, iron, and vitamins. One example of the most common vitamin deficiency is a deficiency of vitamin B complex. The reason is that by eating lots of sugar, the body requires vitamin B complex high to burn the sugar. Because the ingredients are not mashed food that contain vitamin B complex, the body to borrow from its reserves. In the end backup was burned all, so that lies the great shortage. This resulted in people always feel tired and lack energy.
Not only sugar is fattening and create cavities, but with excessive sugar consumption causes many diseases called deficiency diseases, where 3 of 4 people suffer.
There is the possibility of using one's sugar is sugar that is used in the kitchen, or came from drinking-beverages in bottles, bakeries and pastry shops.
If you like the ingredients of savory and sweet foods, take the natural sweets, because basically all the fresh fruits that naturally contain sugar substances coupled with other important foods that the body needs.


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