Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crustosa Impetigo (Contagious Impetigo)

Crustosa impetigo is a disease of the skin superficial pyogenic infections and infectious due to Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus betahemolyticus.

Clinical Overview
The main complaint is itching in the face, namely around the nostrils and mouth because it was considered the source of infection from the area. Early form of macular erythematous lesions billion to lenticulare, diffuse, annulare, measuring 1-2 mm, soon turned into a vesicle or bull lenticulare diffuse. Because the vesicle walls thin, easily broken and pulled out a brownish yellow secretions such as honey. Further drying to form a layered crust. Easy crust is released, under the crust terdapa erosive areas that emit secretions so that the crust thickened again.

Differential Diagnosis
Varicella, Ecthyma.

Good. However, systemic complications may arise such as glomerulonephritis, and others.


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