Friday, July 1, 2011

Drugs in Pregnant Women and The Fetus

Giving the drug in pregnant women should think about the effects of the drug to the mother and should not forget the influence or drug side effects on the fetus. In pregnant women, growing fetoplacental units in the uterus. At this happens filtration unit fetoplacental drug. Each individual or a fetus has a different affinity in response to the drug. The placenta plays an essential role in the distribution of drugs into the fetus. Placenta as a semi-permeable units may reduce or change the drug on placental barrier. Drugs that enter the fetal circulation can be good or bad influence on the vital organs of the fetus. Type of drug, concentration / high dose, and duration of his presentation will affect the fetus, especially in the first trimester.
Effects of drugs on the fetus vary depending on the period of pregnancy or intrauterine fetal age. Use the-counter medicines during pregnancy should be considered and given advice that is retrospective in which the user can provide teratogenic effects and which drug should be given carefully and when the drugs are most secure on the exact age of the fetus. At a time when needed medication to the fetus, with a deliberate drug is given through the mother. For example, antibiotics, antiarrhythmics, vitamin K, dexamethasone, and betamethasone can through the placental barrier and enter the fetal circulation as well by detoxification or metabolism of the placenta is only a little. Both drugs dexamethasone and betamethasone is often used as a stimulant of fetal lung maturation. It is necessary to think about the pharmacokinetics of the drug in pregnant women and its effect on fetal well-being and negative effects.


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