Friday, June 11, 2010

Nosocomial Infections

Someone patients admitted to hospital for treatment of course hoping for a cure or improvement of the disease, at least get dispensation complaints. Most, especially people with acute disease had managed to obtain healing. However there are times, especially in people with chronic disease or a condition is generally bad, in fact he can get a new infection resulting in more severe disease, longer treatment, more diagnostic and drug action is needed, the cost increases, and may cause death. The infection he got at the hospital is called hospital infections (hospital acquired infection), to distinguish community-acquired infections (community acquired infection). Hospital infections better known as nosocomial infections.
Infection by the bacteria population of patients hospital against someone who is already weak physique would be inevitable. Hospital environment should be sought for as clean as possible and sesteril possible. The most important thing is to return to the rule of sepsis and antisepsis and improved attitude (behavior) hospital personnel (doctors, nurses).


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