Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pediculosis Capitis

Pediculosis capitis is a scalp infection caused by Pediculus capitis. Patients get head lice by contact head with other heads that are already infected. How transmission is usually through an intermediary (objects), such as combs, pillows, mattresses, and hat. Adult female lice lay their eggs on the stems of the hair. The eggs are colored like a fat and hard to see, but as soon as they hatch (after about 10 days), then the eggs that are empty will be more easily visible.

Clinical Overview
Itching due to louse bites are the main symptoms. The eggs tend to be more commonly found in the occipital region on the scalp and ears. Sometimes dandruff flakes or keratin layer attached to hair shaft can be confused with eggs, whereas to distinguish it clearly is to do a microscopic examination. In severe infection, a small adult fleas and ticks can be found easily. As a result of scratching can occur secondary infection causing folliculitis, furunkulosis, looking crust attached to the hair, and hair attached to one another. Neck lymph nodes may also swell. Impetigo can be caused by inoculation of staphylococci into the skin when scratching.

Differential Diagnosis
Seborrheic dermatitis, Pyoderma primary.


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