Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a hexose derivative and is classified as a carbohydrate associated with monosaccharides. In the dry state of vitamin C is quite stable, but in a state-soluble vitamin C are easily damaged by contact with copper and iron, especially when exposed to heat. Vitamin C is unstable in alkaline solution, but quite stable in acid solution. Vitamin C is the most labile vitamins.
Vitamin C is generally only found in plant foods, namely fruits, especially acidic, like oranges, pineapple, rambutan, papaya, and tomatoes. Vitamin C is also widely available in the vegetable leaves and type of cabbage.
Vitamin C has the function as coenzymes or cofactors and acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin C increases resistance to infection.
Early signs of vitamin C deficiency, among others, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, muscle cramps, bone, and joints, loss of appetite, skin becomes dry, rough, and itchy, red-bluish color under the skin, mouth and dry eyes, bleeding gums, the position of the teeth become loose, and hair loss. Skorbut symptoms will be seen when ascorbic acid level in serum decreased. Consumption of vitamin C in the form of excessive supplementation may cause hiperoksaluria and a higher risk of kidney stones.


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