Thursday, July 21, 2011

White Discharge (Leukorea / Flour Albus)

Leukorea is the name given to symptoms of fluid removed from the tools that are not in the form of genital blood. The existence of these symptoms are known to the patient because of soiling his pants.
To distinguish between leukorea the physiological and the pathological. Leukorea physiological consists of fluid that is sometimes in the form of mucus that contains many rare epithelium by leukocytes, are the pathological leukorea there are many leukocytes.
The most important of pathological leukorea is infection. Here the fluid containing many leukocytes and slightly yellowish color to green, often more thick and smelly.
Leukorea physiologic found at:
a) the newborn until the age of approximately 10 days, here is why is theinfluence of of estrogen from the placenta to the uterus and vagina of the fetus.
b) time around menarche due to start there is the influence of estrogen; leukorea here lost his own.
c) a grown woman when she is stimulated before and during coitus, is caused by spending transudation of vaginal wall.
d) the time around ovulation, the secretions from the cervical glands becomes more dilute.


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