Friday, March 11, 2011

Oral Medicine

Oral medicine is the science which deals with diseases that have symptoms in the mouth and teeth as well as discuss the important relationships of diseases other organs with the mouth and teeth.
Many systemic diseases that have manifestations in the mouth, even many diseases other body parts that have the first symptoms in the oral cavity. Mouth diseases can also very easily lead to diseases in other organs that are far from the mouth of the so-called focal infection. Heart disease, skin disease, eye disease, rheumatic disease (the joints), kidney disease can be caused by broken teeth. And many other diseases that have symptoms in the mouth and teeth.
Changes in mouth tissue is often the first signal from the disease process organs are not yet showing clinical symptoms. This is mainly related to malnutrition, disease, endocrine disease, gastrointestinal disease, and several abnormalities in blood diseases and anemia.
Teeth and mouth tissue not only serves as a means of mastication, aesthetics, and speak, but disorders and diseases contained in it has a close connection with other body organs.


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