Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bad Habits in Kids

Children often have a bad habit of thumb sucking or nail biting or pencil. Bad habits in children is if not quickly stopped before permanent teeth grow, will cause disruption to the development of permanent teeth can cause malocclusion.
Sucking your thumb in the first years should be regarded as normal and do not need to be prevented. Thumb sucking habit was obtained child since she was a baby, where sucking is only one baby a regular movement and aimed to obtain food. If prevented in these years will cause chaos skill development of the child, is the impact of the teeth and jaw still uncertain. New at the age of four years and over if the child is still also perform the thumb sucking habit, where should these children have turned their attention to play, then there is something psychologically abnormal.
In addition to the thumb sucking habit, there are other habits that result in abnormalities in the mouth and teeth, that is breathing from the mouth. This habit may be due to obstruction in the pharynx or nose. Enlarged lymph glands in the pharynx is the biggest cause of this obstruction. Habit of breathing through the mouth can cause the air entering the mouth makes the vasoconstriction of capillaries in the oral mucosa, making it easier terkenanya infection and can cause gingivitis. It also led to disruption of growth in advance so that there will be narrow and curved forward. There is also a 'foetor ex ore' in people who breathe from the mouth caused by the plaque attached to the teeth and tongue.


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