Friday, March 25, 2011

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a disorder characterized by hair loss (baldness) in one or several areas bounded firmly. Cause not yet known, often associated with emotional disturbances, focal infections, hormonal disorders, and systemic disease.

Clinical Overview
The main complaint of hair loss. First arises a region of small patches of round or oval experiencing hair loss. Over time the area is widespread, and rapid hair loss. The surface of the skin looks smooth. On the edge of the area which is bald hair cut, if the hair pulled into a place of hair follicles to atrophy.

Diagnosis Differential
Tinea capitis, Discoid lupus erythematosus, Trichotillomania.

Sometimes it can heal itself within a few weeks without treatment. Most of the hair to grow back after several weeks, sometimes widens and becomes a permanent disorder. For the life of the sufferer himself, the prognosis is generally good.


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